Debt Consolidation Calculator

Enter estimated account information on all credit accounts you wish to consolidate. Additional accounts can be grouped into one entry. You may be better off not including loans which will be paid off sooner than your proposed consolidation loan, even if their interest rate is higher than the consolidation loan’s rate.

Existing Accounts
Amount | Payment | Int Rate
3000 375 8 Auto Loan
0 0 0 Auto Loan
0 0 0 Boat/RV Loans
0 0 0 Other Loans
4000 425 15 Credit Card
1200 60 15 Credit Card
800 50 18 Credit Card
0 0 0 Credit Card
0 0 0 Other Account
0 0 0 Other Account

Consolidation Loan
8 Interest Rate
15 Length of Loan (Yrs)
750 Upfront Costs ($)
1 Discount Points
38 Tax Rate (%)

Account Analysis
Total Debt: $9,000.00
Monthly Payments: $910.00
Monthly Interest: $97.00
Aggregate Interest Rate: 12.93%

Equity Loan Analysis
Loan Amount: $9,000.00
Monthly Payment: $86.01
Monthly Interest: $60.00
Interest Rate: 8.00 %

Financial Analysis
Yearly Interest Savings: $444.00
Additional Tax Savings: $168.72
Total Cost of Loan: $840.00
Break Even: 1 Yr(s) 1 Mth(s)
Payoff Timeline: 0 Yr(s) 11 Mth(s)

These calculations are only estimates and can only be used to evaluate the possible results of consolidating certain debts into an equity loan. Refinancing or taking out a home equity loan or line of credit may increase the total number of monthly payments and the total amount paid when comparing to your current situation. Please consult your tax advisor for information on the deductibility if interest for tax purposes.